The Harvest of Familiar


Prophet MaShani Allen

I had a vision and in the vision, there was a large mass of people. They were dark not in complexion but silhouettes were presented and there was not really any light. But in each one there was the smallest ember like from a fire.

What I sensed was these were those who were born and raised in the church. These were prodigals who heard the word of the Lord but departed from the faith. But there is still the word in them. And for many that small ember is beginning to spark. They will begin to have encounters in dreams and visions and be awakened to truth.  The fullness of the harvest will come after the cleansing that is about to hit the body of Christ. A few of them will be used to expose compromise, the sin of idolatry and idol worship that many unknowingly have embraced. They will expose the divination and seduction which has become the norm in many places. The harvest will begin to flood true houses of worship which host the presence of God. They will not be impressed by words but drawn to power, love and righteousness. Oh, when they come they will cause the religious feathers to be ruffled and they will annoy the proud. But they will be so on fire the opinions of men will not faze them. They will be the fire starters of revival and expose the hidden sin. They will be used in unconventional ways and they will invade every space.

The prodigals are coming and they will re-introduce worship, hunger and the fear of the Lord.

#Harvest #Prodigals #Revival #Dreams #Visions


The Journey


I Extend