

Terminology is very important in this season. Please take heed to what you say about you and others. Many need to remove the word 'Just' from their vocabulary because it's been used unjustly. Don't say I'm 'just' a Christian or I'm 'just _________ and you fill in the blank. Don't say it's 'just' a dream or 'just' an idea. When God made you He didn't use the word just. When He gifted you He didn't use the word 'just'. Many times when we preface a statement using just it's a rejectional term to buffet us if our idea, dream or thought isn't accepted or embraced. If you use the word 'just' please use it justly in the right context. Don't diminish and devalue who you are or your potential by the words that proceed out of your mouth.


Whose Dream are you Livin?


The Process