Spiritual Olympics


I truly enjoyed watching the 2016 Olympics. It was surprisingly an emotional experience for me. To hear so many firsts and so many records broken I couldn’t help but share and rejoice in the achievements of others. As a former triathlete I reflected back on the disciplines required of me and I know these athletes' requirements far exceeded mine. The more I watched the more I began to see spiritual parallels of how our lives are like an Olympics. Do you realize this view from heaven everyday?  As believers we have a host of witnesses who are engaged in watching our journey just as we watched the journey of so many over the past 2 weeks.

Heb 12: 1 says- Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

I see our spiritual walk (I liken our spiritual walk to the different apparatuses or events)as being on the different apparatuses or events. They can actually represent seasons. We need to know what season/apparatus we are on in order to be effective. Below are a few for you to reflect on. You may even come up with a few additions of your own.

Spiritual Volleyball- This is a season when you are learning to effectively work as a team.  You have to trust and depend on others and be vocal. You have to learn to work within boundaries. You have to block the enemy and when the opportunity arises send spikes into the enemy’s camp.

Spiritual Uneven bars- This could represent a season of transition which would require a bit of maneuvering. You have to release something in order to be properly positioned for the next season. Your spiritual grip has to be very secure.

Spiritual Balance beam- This is a season of narrowing. Multiple skills are required from you in a very limited space. But it is also a time of elevation. You will need to be flexible, balanced and strong. Focus is very key during this time.

Spiritual Floor Exercise- This season causes you to perform many of the skills you’ve learned over the years. It brings them together. You will see things spring forth in your life. There will be momentum needed as well as steadfastness all while exhibiting grace. This season requires a demonstration of power.

Spiritual Still Rings- This can be a season where you are being stretched. But you exhibit that you are balanced in the things of God. You demonstrate strength and power in the things of God while in an uncomfortable position.

Spiritual Rowing- This can be a season where you learn the strength of a team. You will learn to understand the power and force needed to move forward. To be effective there is a level of personal strength and focus needed to be an effective team member. Also you have to use paddles to go with the flow of the river in order to progress, don't resist the flow!

Spiritual Diving- This is a season where you are put on display. All the years of training and preparation are now seen at a higher level.  You are to be flexible, have good judgement and great strength. As you leap the end is to not make a splash but all glory is given to God.

Spiritual Synchronized diving- This can reflect a husband and wife team in ministry. It requires a performance which is identical but seamless. Unison is very important as well as timing.

Spiritual Sprints- A time of humility which brings forth a lot of momentum. You must stay in your lane and within the boundaries established for you.

Spiritual Long Distance- A longer assignment with a greater demand for pacing, endurance and stamina. Timing is very key in this season. You can’t be too far ahead but you can’t lag behind.

Spiritual Hurdling- A time to overcome obstacles which have been set in your path. Requires you to know the timing of God and be very disciplined. Some of the obstacles will be back to back while others may be spaced out depending on the distance of this particular season.

Spiritual Long Jump- A time when you are asked to take a leap of faith. This leap requires you to be consistent in your stride, e.g. walk with God in order to spring effectively into the new.

Spiritual High Jump- Requires you to leap while maintaining a great level of trust.

Spiritual Pole Vault- This can represent when you begin to overcome generational obstacles, things which have been in your life for a long time. Strongholds that have been erected which you now overcome.

There is a great crowd of witnesses watching and cheering us on. Heaven is rejoicing when it sees us hurdle over lust, hurdle over fear, hurdle over rejection.  They cheer seeing you overcome that which the enemy is trying to put in your way. Sometimes we can look back on the year and feel like we haven't accomplished anything. But many of us have been setting personal records in heaven. When we started walking in forgiveness, when we refused to allow rejection to get rooted in our hearts we set personal records. Take time to reflect over this year and previous years and see how much has been accomplished. The enemy wants us to get caught in a moment, in a season to limit the truth of the growth in our lives. God is taking notice and He's keeping records. Sometimes we have to look at our personal spiritual Olympics. What races have we won? What races need improvement? Keep running, keep jumping and don’t give up.


The N.E.T


Poem-The Performance