

Mirrors are defined as a reflective surface, show a reflection of.

Many times we limit mirror’s to glass when mirrors can actually be people. When looking in a mirror you can choose to focus on the background or the larger image at hand. I’ve had the painful task of having to look in my inner mirror based on others and my reflection was not pleasing. I’ve hurt, damaged and disappointed not only myself but others. But I’m choosing to not allow pride to be a stop sign for me. I own what has been reflected and make the necessary adjustments by apologizing, repenting and going through self deliverance. I desire a pure heart which reflects the light but when there is darkness I can’t ignore it. This Christian walk is not about being perfect but being perfected. Perfected is defined as making (something) completely free from faults, or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible. This is a work that cannot be done by mans hands; this is done by the Holy Spirit. We must be willing to participate and acknowledge those areas of fault. In doing so that is when the light can really shine. As I’m saying #41HereICome He’s making sure that some things don’t tag along with me. I am human with flaws, imperfections and faults but that doesn’t stop God it actually draws God to me and me to Him. I’m thankful for the mirrors which He is using to help me become His original intent for my life. Humility is my portion and position.


Inventory of the Heart


September Releases the Spiritual Secretariats