Milestones Poem


It started as a thought and then became a plan, which caused you to step out of familiar onto His divine hand.

It wasn’t understood by many and even scoffed and mocked, but you continued to press without the support which left many shocked.

At times you would see it, it seemed to be so close, but other times it was as far away as an ocean coast.

But you kept it alive inside of you that dream you dreamed so long ago, and you added to it daily with faith and nurtured and watched it grow.

What seemed like it would be forever the time has finally come, many will watch and marvel at what will be accomplished and done.

Although you are excited and have joy to the overflow, many will never understand the cost and how much you had to sow.

But you see the full picture and every milestone you face, embrace this new era in your journey with humility, wisdom and grace.


The Process


Marry My Dream Prophetic Poem