Inventory of the Heart


During this time of year many businesses begin to take inventory and take account for the profits and losses. As believers I feel strongly that we should be taking inventory as well. But this is not a natural assessment but a spiritual one. We must take inventory of the heart which is an itemized listing. This is not to be done half hazard or with little regard. But a true inventory of the heart with your spiritual accountant the Holy Spirit. The word says out of the heart flows the issues of life. What has been flowing out of your heart this year? 

I heard the Lord say, " I'm calling My people to guard your hearts like never before. There is much that is coming to try and infiltrate and defile. Some is obvious but much is stealth. You have seen and heard much being promised but the issues of the heart can bring delay. There is much promised for 2019 but the gateway to much of the blessing is through the heart. I've been pulling for many to come into the secret place for inventory."

In this place of inventory honesty, transparency and repentance will need to be in operation. For many have offenses, unforgiveness and pride which they are unaware of. Allow it to be dealt with and resolved before crossing into another year.

#InventoryoftheHeart #HeartMatters #MaShaniAllen


