Gen 37:23


So it came to pass when Joseph had come to his brothers they stripped Joseph of his tunic. 38 Now when they saw him afar off even before he came near them they conspired against him to kill him. My smile is my tunic and the enemy consistently tries to strip it from me. It brings jealousy and envy from afar off. Joseph’s brothers were the ultimate raid cans...constantly trying to kill him dead.

While driving to work I was listening to Psalmist Raine I Surrender. I then began to pray:

Father deliver me. Jesus deliver me from the unknown. Deliver me from the unseen. Deliver me from every trap. Deliver me from every snare. Deliver me from every word spoken against that which You have ordained. Deliver me from the evil eye. Deliver me from envy and jealousy. Deliver me from those who hate me. Deliver me from those who set plots against me. Deliver Me from those who wish wickedness concerning me. Deliver Me Father and fight for me. Contend for me and my destiny. Lion of Judah come and contend against those that contend against me. Fight against those that fight against me. Cause every snare, curse and evil desire to be turned into a blessing. Contend against the evil words. Contend against the evil desires. Contend against the evil wishes. Come this end of March as the CONTENDER!!!

#FBMemory #StillApplies #HesFightingforme!!! #PurposePrevails


Prophetic Release

