A Tale of Two Kingdoms


At the end of November I was sitting in service. At one point in the service while praying I heard the following, “A Tale of Two Cities” I then heard the first line of this book, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” After that I heard “A Tale of Two Kingdoms” . I was stuck for a moment after hearing this. I hadn’t thought or heard of the name of this book since high school. I knew the Lord was revealing something to me. I believe as we cross into 2017 we are not just entering a new year or a new season but a new era. An era is a long and distinctive period of history with a particular feature or characteristic. The first line of this book is a picture of what it will be. For some it will be the best of times and for others it will be the worst of times. A tale is a narrative that relates the details of some real or imaginary, event, incident or story. We are about to see the real narrative of the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. For many this has been a story and to some even an incident but all will see how real these two kingdoms are. You will see who really belongs to the Kingdom of God and who belongs to the kingdom of darkness. There will be a drastic and distinctive measure between the two. No longer will people be able to halt in between two opinions, no longer will people be able to be lukewarm, all must choose this day whom they will serve. Based on the kingdom you belong to it will either be the best, the most glorious, the most favored, the most blessed days of your life or it will be the worst, the most miserable, the most shameful, the most rejected and unfortunate days of your life. This tale will not be a book which is read but a real life experience which is about to be played out right before our eyes. As we enter into 2017 welcome to A Tale of Two Kingdoms. #newera #ATaleofTwoKingdoms #Light


Prophetic Poem-Decisions


Inventory of the Heart