Prophetic Poem

By: MaShani Allen


Get ready for the unusual, get ready for the new,

This is what 2012 has in store for you!

Many have pressed and pressed and pressed some more,

As you transition into this New Year what stands before you is a door.

Your pressing grew stronger; you did not grow dim,

And now I come into your situation as Baal Perazim!

 I will break you through every barrier and every bar,

You will no longer drink the bitter waters of Marah.

Sweetness and delight will be the taste of the day.

With all the blessings I’m bringing your way.

For this is the year for which many have dreamed,

It comes with impact like a volcano full of steam.

For many have humbled and submitted to Me their will,

And now I speak to your storms and say, Peace Be Still!

The angels are stirring, great anticipation is here,

The time is drawing closer, the time is drawing near.

For the heavens are open the new is being released,

This is an hour the blessings of the Lord will not cease.

Because you’ve stood and some still stand in what doesn’t make sense,

This is the year I come as the God of recompense.

Some of you have been tested and tried and tried again,

But you held fast to hope, you would not bend.

This is a year I reward the righteous, those in right standing with Me,

Abundance of blessings and favor you shall truly see.

For I watch over My word and I bring it to pass,

For many tried to get you to quit, discourage you and thought you would not last.

But you continued night and day to feast on My word,

You stayed in My presence and your prayers were heard.

Continue to seek, continue to ask, continue to knock,

For I am the Good Shepherd I watch over My flock.

I’ve heard your cries and I’ve heard your decrees,

And you will see your enemies fall to their knees.

For you will rule and reign in the 7 mountains like never before,

This is the hour and the season you were created for.

Expand your thoughts, dreams and ideas,

Release all doubt, worry and fears.

For I will show Myself strong like never before,

For many of you have answered when I knocked at your hearts door.

Walk in your authority and keep your humility,

These are critical and essential characteristics, they are key.

For you represent Me in everything you do,

Continue to allow My word to strengthen and polish you.

Some of you will feel like you’re dreaming in the days to come,

But this was My original intent for what I wanted done.

I will lead and guide you with My right hand,

A servant of dignity and honor, before kings you will stand.

You will speak My word with authority and boldness like you’ve never done,

It is truly your season this is not a cliché or a pun.

But much awaits you in the days, weeks and months ahead,

Holiness is required your flesh must remain dead.

For higher consecration is required from you,

To be able to recover, posses and walk into the new.

As you allow the glory of God to have its way,

Many of you I will put on display.

2012 is the year I show myself strong to you, for many are called but the chosen are few,

Get ready for the supernatural, the unusual, abundance, miraculous, overflow, the new.

Get ready for expansion, increase and more,

With one foot forward walk through you 2012 door!!!


It is Time to Breakforth!!!